Best Speeches of
Barack Obama
through his 2009 Inauguration

Most Recent Speeches are Listed First

• Barack Obama -
Election Night Victory / Presidential Acceptance Speech - Nov 4 2008

Barack Obama - Night Before the Election - the Last Rally - Manassas Virginia - Nov 3 2008

• Barack Obama - Democratic Nominee Acceptance Speech
2008 National Democratic Convention

Barack Obama - "A World that Stands as One" - Berlin Germany - July 2008

• Barack Obama - Final Primary Night:
Presumptive Nominee Speech

• Barack Obama - North Carolina Primary Night

• Barack Obama - Pennsylvania Primary Night

• Barack Obama - AP Annual Luncheon

• Barack Obama - A More Perfect Union
“The Race Speech”

• Barack Obama - Texas and Ohio Primary Night

• Barack Obama - Potomac Primary Night

• Barack Obama - Super Tuesday

Barack Obama - Iowa Caucus Night

Barack Obama - California Democratic Convention - April 28, 2007

Barack Obama - Announcement For President - Feb 10 2007

Barack Obama - Floor Statement on Iraq War De-escalation Act of 2007

Barack Obama - The Time Has Come for Universal Health Care

Barack Obama - Floor Statement on President's Decision to Increase Troops in Iraq

Barack Obama - Race Against Time - World AIDS Day Speech

Barack Obama - A Way Forward in Iraq

Barack Obama - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Groundbreaking Ceremony

Barack Obama - Military Commission Legislation

Barack Obama - Floor Statement on the Habeas Corpus Amendment

Barack Obama - Energy Independence: A Call for Leadership

Barack Obama - An Honest Government, A Hopeful Future

Barack Obama - Xavier University Commencement Address

Barack Obama - AFSCME National Convention

Barack Obama - Vote against the Gulf of Mexico Energy Bill

Barack Obama - Support of H.R. 9, the Voting Rights Act

Barack Obama - Statement of Support for Stem Cell Research

Barack Obama - Campus Progress Annual Conference

Barack Obama - “Call to Renewal” Keynote Address

Barack Obama - Iraq Debate

Barack Obama - Northwestern University Commencement Address

Barack Obama - Katrina Reconstruction

Barack Obama - Take Back America

Barack Obama - Network Neutrality

Barack Obama - Federal Marriage Amendment

Barack Obama - University of Massachusetts at Boston Commencement Address

Barack Obama - General Michael Hayden Nomination

Barack Obama - Opposition to the Amendment Requiring a Photo ID to Vote

Barack Obama - Employment Verification Amendment for the Immigration Bill

Barack Obama - Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Commencement Address

Barack Obama - Honoring Our Commitment to Veterans

Barack Obama - EMILY's List Annual Luncheon

Barack Obama - A Real Solution for High Gas Prices

Barack Obama - Immigration Rallies

Barack Obama - Amendment to Stop No-Bid Contracts for Gulf Coast Recovery and Reconstruction

Barack Obama - Updates on Darfur, Immigration, Gas Prices

Barack Obama - Immigration Reform

Barack Obama - Energy Independence and the Safety of Our Planet

Barack Obama - Immigration Reform

Barack Obama - Improving Chemical Plant Security

Barack Obama - 21st Century Schools for a 21st Century Economy

Barack Obama - Meals Amendment

Barack Obama - Debate on Lobbying and Ethics Reform

Barack Obama - Energy Security is National Security - Governor's Ethanol Coalition

Barack Obama - Floor Statement S.2271 - PATRIOT Act Reauthorization

Barack Obama - Darfur: Current Policy Not Enough

Barack Obama - Foreign Relations Committee regarding Lugar-Obama legislation S.1949

Barack Obama - Hurricane Katrina Child Assistance Amendment

Barack Obama - Supreme Court Nomination of Samuel Alito - Podcast

Barack Obama - Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. - Speech

Barack Obama - Lobbying Reform Summit National Press Club

Barack Obama - Meeting on Iraq with President Bush

Barack Obama - Remarks: Honest Leadership and Open Government

Barack Obama - From the Road: Israel and the Palestinian territories

Barack Obama - From the Road: Speaking with American Troops in Iraq

Barack Obama - The PATRIOT Act

Barack Obama - Moving Forward in Iraq - Chicago Council on Foreign Relations

Barack Obama - Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award Ceremony

Barack Obama - National Women's Law Center

Barack Obama - "Sex on TV 4" Report

Barack Obama - Non-Proliferation and Russia: The Challenges Ahead

Barack Obama - Chicago White Sox

Barack Obama - Death of Rosa Parks

Barack Obama - Teaching Our Kids in a 21st Century Economy

Barack Obama - Avian Flu

Barack Obama - Confirmation of Judge John Roberts

Barack Obama - Resources for the Future

Barack Obama - Statement on Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts

Barack Obama - AFL-CIO National Convention

Barack Obama - Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill and the Avian Flu

Barack Obama - American Legion Conference

Barack Obama - Literacy and Education in a 21st-Century Economy

Barack Obama - Pritzker School of Medicine Commencement

Barack Obama - Nomination of Justice Janice Rogers Brown

Barack Obama - Knox College Commencement

Barack Obama - Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery

Barack Obama - America’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy Remarks

Barack Obama - Rockford Register Star Young American Awards

Barack Obama - NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner

Barack Obama - National Press Club

Barack Obama - SIUC College of Agriculture's 50th Anniversary

Barack Obama - Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum

Barack Obama - Amendment for Meals/Phone Service to Wounded Veterans

Barack Obama - The Nuclear Option

Barack Obama - Confirmation Hearing of John Bolton

Barack Obama - Herblock Foundation Annual Lecture

Barack Obama - American Legion Legislative Rally

Barack Obama - CURE Keynote Address

Barack Obama - Remarks of TechNet

Barack Obama - S256, the Bankruptcy Abuse & Prevention Act of 2005

Barack Obama - John Lewis's 65th Birthday Gala

Barack Obama - Keynote Address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention

Barack Obama - 2002 Speech Against the Iraq War


Friday, March 11, 2005
CURE Keynote Address
Complete Text

Thank you David for that warm introduction. David is not only one of the most brilliant political minds in the business today, he is a loving husband, a committed father, and a dear friend who I've been honored to have by my side. Thank you David for everything you do.

I also want to thank Susan Axelrod and the entire leadership of CURE for allowing me the honor of speaking here this evening. As many of you know, Susan lives and breathes this organization, from the earliest hours of the morning until late at night, every day of her life. And I have no doubt that if the rest of us are willing to offer just a fraction of her level of passion and commitment to this cause, one day we'll be gathered here to finally celebrate a cure.

Since I first learned about this organization from David and Susan, I've often thought about the simple act of hope that began its journey.

I've thought about three mothers, sitting around a kitchen table, sharing the pain and the helplessness that go along with watching the child you love, the child whose happiness you live for, struggle with a disease that mom and dad can't fix. A disease that doesn't necessarily go away with the doctor's medicine, that isn't talked about most nights on the news, that isn't funded and recognized like a lot of the other diseases.

But then I also thought about how on that day, those three mothers said "no more." Maybe it was the memory of the first time they saw a seizure take their child to that lonely place where they could no longer reach them. Maybe they thought about the 2.5 million Americans who suffer from epilepsy, the tens of thousands who succumb to it, and the 181,000 more who will be diagnosed this year.

Or maybe as they sat around that kitchen table, three friends living similar experiences, they simply realized that there are some challenges in life you can't take on by yourself. That there is power and strength in the ability of a community to make a difference. And that as that community reaches out and grows and finds its voice, so grows the hope that it will someday find a cure.

Well, seven years, thirty research grants, one White House conference, and over $3 million in donations later, I can see tonight that the kitchen table has become a lot more crowded and that this community is on its way.

And yet despite all the progress, the question still weighing on your minds is, "how do we get all the way there?" How do we get all the way there when, despite the fact that epilepsy affects more Americans than Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and cerebral palsy combined, it still receives far fewer federal research dollars than any of these diseases? How do we get there when too many policy makers and too much of the public still think that epilepsy is, as Brendan Malone told us in the video, an "inconvenience," rather than a serious, and possibly deadly disease?

I think that we get there the same way that so many of you got us here - by continuing to share your stories and your children's stories with the faith that more and more Americans will open their hearts to listen. With the faith that if there's a little boy who can't sit through a class without suffering the pain and uncomfortable stares that accompany a seizure, it matters to every mother, even if it's not her son. That if there's a young woman who can't work and can't take care of herself and can't have children of her own because of the brain damage caused by epilepsy, it matters to every father, even if it's not his daughter.

Personally, I can't begin to imagine what a parent who has a child with epilepsy goes through on a daily basis. But I know what it's like to be a parent. And as a father with a little girl who suffers from asthma, I can understand the terror you feel when your child wakes you in the middle of the night gasping for air. When you would rather stop breathing yourself if it meant that she could start breathing just a little easier.

In this way, your stories touch me as both a father and a friend, and I will leave here tonight having adopted your cause as my own, as so many have done before me. I will go back to Washington and work with my colleague Rahm Emanuel and others to demand more federal funding for epilepsy research.

But I also believe that if each of us walks out of here and tells the story of the 2.5 million parents, brothers, sisters, daughters, and sons with epilepsy, it will touch others who may not understand this disease, because they are mothers and fathers and friends too. And as they embrace our cause, we will expand this community of concern until there isn't any room left in this country not to listen.

This has been the story of CURE ever since its founding - the inspiring idea that those of you who have dedicated so much of yourselves to this cause are doing so knowing full well that a cure may not arrive in time to heal your loved ones. And yet, you continue fighting with the hope that you may spare a nameless face the pain your families have known. That kind of compassion is heroic, and it is the kind that will eventually defeat this disease.

We need this victory now more than ever because today, we face a new threat in the potential spread of epilepsy to thousands more Americans. Just last week, USA Today reported that hundreds of U.S. soldiers are returning from Iraq with a condition known as traumatic brain injury, or TBI. Even though new technology and better body armor are helping them survive bomb and rocket attacks, the blasts are still causing these soldiers brain damage. As of January, 437 cases have been diagnosed in Army hospitals alone, and some doctors are saying that it could become the "signature wound of the Iraq war."

As some of you may know, TBI is the greatest risk factor for developing epilepsy. In fact, a study of Vietnam vets showed that 51 percent of those who suffered TBI went on to develop the disease.

We have asked these brave men and women to leave their homes, leave their families, and fight for our freedom on the other side of the world. And now we are finding out that when they come home, they may develop a life-threatening, debilitating disease that this country has not done nearly enough to treat. We simply cannot tell our heroes that when it comes to dealing with TBI or epilepsy, they're on their own. I know CURE won't, and I will go back to Washington and make sure the federal government won't either. I plan to work with my colleagues in Congress to provide the VA with the funds to research TBI and epilepsy so we can learn more about the disease and develop better tools to care for our heroes. These soldiers have moms and dads waiting for them at home, they are a part of our community, and we will speak for them.

I know that a lot of you have been struggling with epilepsy for a long time now, and that you've seen both good days and bad. On the bad days, it may seem like salvation will never come, that parents and children will be suffering with this disease for decades to come.

But I think we find hope by remembering that we've been here before. That there was a time when America watched helplessly as a mysterious disease left thousands - especially children - disabled for life. And just as it seemed that no one was paying attention and nothing could be done, a community of compassion awoke and led a March of Dimes to find the cure for polio.

Organized with the help of Franklin Roosevelt and backed by the federal government, the March of Dimes galvanized a nation to conquer polio, dime by dime. And while Roosevelt knew that his own polio would never be cured by the discovery of a vaccine, he also knew that at its best, government can be used a force to accomplish together what we cannot achieve on our own.

And so the people began to care and the dimes piled up and the funding started to flow, and fifty years ago next month, Jonas Salk discovered the polio vaccine.

I know that we don't have a President with epilepsy, or a major celebrity spokesperson, but we do have a growing community that is on the march. We have allies in government who know that we can defeat this disease if we work together. And we have the hope that every parent has for their child.

The hope you have the first time you bring them to the doctor's office, and you just want them to walk out with some medicine and a lollipop. The hope you have the first day you watch them get on the bus, when you want them to fit in with the rest of the kids and do well in school. The hope you have the day of their first job, when you want them to call you and let you know how great it went. The hope you have when they walk down the aisle, when you want nothing more than for them to find love and happiness in life.

These are hopes we hold not only for our own children, but for every parent and every child every where. And if we leave here tonight determined to turn those hopes into action, into a sustained commitment to fight epilepsy that's more than just about one fundraiser or one benefit, we will find a cure and we will keep hope alive for millions of families for generations to come. Thank you, and God Bless you.


You can only imagine how many different ways people type the name Barack Obama. Here is a sampling for his first name: Barac, Barach, Baracks, Barak, Baraka, Barrack, Barrak, Berack, Borack, Borak, Brack, Brach, Brock even, Rocco. There are just as many for his last name: Abama, Bama, Bamma, Obma, Obamas, Obamma, Obana, Obamo, Obbama, Oboma, Obomba, Obombma, Obomha, Oblama, Omaba, Oblamma and (ready for this?) Ohama. And of course there's Barack Obama's middle name, Hussein. Here are some of the ways it comes out: Hissein, Hussain, Husein, Hussin, Hussane and Hussien.