Best Speeches of
Barack Obama
through his 2009 Inauguration

Most Recent Speeches are Listed First

• Barack Obama -
Election Night Victory / Presidential Acceptance Speech - Nov 4 2008

Barack Obama - Night Before the Election - the Last Rally - Manassas Virginia - Nov 3 2008

• Barack Obama - Democratic Nominee Acceptance Speech
2008 National Democratic Convention

Barack Obama - "A World that Stands as One" - Berlin Germany - July 2008

• Barack Obama - Final Primary Night:
Presumptive Nominee Speech

• Barack Obama - North Carolina Primary Night

• Barack Obama - Pennsylvania Primary Night

• Barack Obama - AP Annual Luncheon

• Barack Obama - A More Perfect Union
“The Race Speech”

• Barack Obama - Texas and Ohio Primary Night

• Barack Obama - Potomac Primary Night

• Barack Obama - Super Tuesday

Barack Obama - Iowa Caucus Night

Barack Obama - California Democratic Convention - April 28, 2007

Barack Obama - Announcement For President - Feb 10 2007

Barack Obama - Floor Statement on Iraq War De-escalation Act of 2007

Barack Obama - The Time Has Come for Universal Health Care

Barack Obama - Floor Statement on President's Decision to Increase Troops in Iraq

Barack Obama - Race Against Time - World AIDS Day Speech

Barack Obama - A Way Forward in Iraq

Barack Obama - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Groundbreaking Ceremony

Barack Obama - Military Commission Legislation

Barack Obama - Floor Statement on the Habeas Corpus Amendment

Barack Obama - Energy Independence: A Call for Leadership

Barack Obama - An Honest Government, A Hopeful Future

Barack Obama - Xavier University Commencement Address

Barack Obama - AFSCME National Convention

Barack Obama - Vote against the Gulf of Mexico Energy Bill

Barack Obama - Support of H.R. 9, the Voting Rights Act

Barack Obama - Statement of Support for Stem Cell Research

Barack Obama - Campus Progress Annual Conference

Barack Obama - “Call to Renewal” Keynote Address

Barack Obama - Iraq Debate

Barack Obama - Northwestern University Commencement Address

Barack Obama - Katrina Reconstruction

Barack Obama - Take Back America

Barack Obama - Network Neutrality

Barack Obama - Federal Marriage Amendment

Barack Obama - University of Massachusetts at Boston Commencement Address

Barack Obama - General Michael Hayden Nomination

Barack Obama - Opposition to the Amendment Requiring a Photo ID to Vote

Barack Obama - Employment Verification Amendment for the Immigration Bill

Barack Obama - Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Commencement Address

Barack Obama - Honoring Our Commitment to Veterans

Barack Obama - EMILY's List Annual Luncheon

Barack Obama - A Real Solution for High Gas Prices

Barack Obama - Immigration Rallies

Barack Obama - Amendment to Stop No-Bid Contracts for Gulf Coast Recovery and Reconstruction

Barack Obama - Updates on Darfur, Immigration, Gas Prices

Barack Obama - Immigration Reform

Barack Obama - Energy Independence and the Safety of Our Planet

Barack Obama - Immigration Reform

Barack Obama - Improving Chemical Plant Security

Barack Obama - 21st Century Schools for a 21st Century Economy

Barack Obama - Meals Amendment

Barack Obama - Debate on Lobbying and Ethics Reform

Barack Obama - Energy Security is National Security - Governor's Ethanol Coalition

Barack Obama - Floor Statement S.2271 - PATRIOT Act Reauthorization

Barack Obama - Darfur: Current Policy Not Enough

Barack Obama - Foreign Relations Committee regarding Lugar-Obama legislation S.1949

Barack Obama - Hurricane Katrina Child Assistance Amendment

Barack Obama - Supreme Court Nomination of Samuel Alito - Podcast

Barack Obama - Confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. - Speech

Barack Obama - Lobbying Reform Summit National Press Club

Barack Obama - Meeting on Iraq with President Bush

Barack Obama - Remarks: Honest Leadership and Open Government

Barack Obama - From the Road: Israel and the Palestinian territories

Barack Obama - From the Road: Speaking with American Troops in Iraq

Barack Obama - The PATRIOT Act

Barack Obama - Moving Forward in Iraq - Chicago Council on Foreign Relations

Barack Obama - Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award Ceremony

Barack Obama - National Women's Law Center

Barack Obama - "Sex on TV 4" Report

Barack Obama - Non-Proliferation and Russia: The Challenges Ahead

Barack Obama - Chicago White Sox

Barack Obama - Death of Rosa Parks

Barack Obama - Teaching Our Kids in a 21st Century Economy

Barack Obama - Avian Flu

Barack Obama - Confirmation of Judge John Roberts

Barack Obama - Resources for the Future

Barack Obama - Statement on Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts

Barack Obama - AFL-CIO National Convention

Barack Obama - Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill and the Avian Flu

Barack Obama - American Legion Conference

Barack Obama - Literacy and Education in a 21st-Century Economy

Barack Obama - Pritzker School of Medicine Commencement

Barack Obama - Nomination of Justice Janice Rogers Brown

Barack Obama - Knox College Commencement

Barack Obama - Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery

Barack Obama - America’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy Remarks

Barack Obama - Rockford Register Star Young American Awards

Barack Obama - NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner

Barack Obama - National Press Club

Barack Obama - SIUC College of Agriculture's 50th Anniversary

Barack Obama - Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum

Barack Obama - Amendment for Meals/Phone Service to Wounded Veterans

Barack Obama - The Nuclear Option

Barack Obama - Confirmation Hearing of John Bolton

Barack Obama - Herblock Foundation Annual Lecture

Barack Obama - American Legion Legislative Rally

Barack Obama - CURE Keynote Address

Barack Obama - Remarks of TechNet

Barack Obama - S256, the Bankruptcy Abuse & Prevention Act of 2005

Barack Obama - John Lewis's 65th Birthday Gala

Barack Obama - Keynote Address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention

Barack Obama - 2002 Speech Against the Iraq War

Updates on Darfur, Immigration and Gas Prices - Podcast Transcript 

TOPICS: Foreign Policy & Defense, Immigration and Oil & Alternative Fuels
April 27, 2006
Updates on Darfur, Immigration, Gas Prices
Complete Transcript

Hello, this is Senator Barack Obama and today is Thursday, April 27, 2006.

A lot of stuff is going on in Washington right now and so what I want to do is provide you some updates on issues that have been discussed on this podcast before but I think are absolutely critical to focus on right now.

The first is the issue of Darfur. Many of you heard my previous podcast and have been following this issue in the news. We have a situation in which the Sudanese government in Khartoum has backed militias and gangsters that have slaughtered up to 300,000 innocent Africans. We have a situation in which two million or so people are internally displaced in the Sudan, incredibly vulnerable to potential famine, disease and we're now seeing a spillover effect from Sudan into Chad, where you have another 200,000 refugees.

The Bush administration properly labeled this several years ago as an ongoing genocide. The situation has not improved. The world needs to focus its attention on it and America needs to send a message to its leadership that this is a top priority. We need to get a UN protection force in there to protect the two million people who are internally displaced. We've got to start peace talks between the rebels and the Khartoum government that provides some basis for a long-term settlement of disputes there and we have to make sure that humanitarian aid continues.

In the interest of all these issues stopping the genocide in Darfur there are going to be a couple of activities that I hope some of you can attend. Number one: this Sunday, we are going to be holding a rally to save Darfur in the United States Capitol, in Washington. That will be taking place from two o'clock until four o'clock in front of the United States Capitol, between 3rd Streets and 4th Streets. If you are interested in participating, you should get on the website That will give you all the details. I'm going to be there and Elie Wiesel, the author and Holocaust survivor, is going to be there. We're going to have George Clooney there as well as a number of people who have been active on this issue. I hope we can have a strong turnout that sends a message that genocide is not acceptable not only in the United States but the United Nations and the international community have to rally behind these folks. There is also going to be a Chicago rally on May 1, 2006 at 4:30 p.m. in the Federal Plaza in Dearborn and Adams and so for my Chicago listeners or Illinois listeners you can show your support in that fashion if you can't make the rally in Washington.

The second issue I just want to give you an update on is immigration. I met with the President and some of my other colleagues in the West Wing this week to discuss with him where we are on immigration reform. Obviously this is an issue of great passion. It is an issue that has brought together diverse coalitions of people who recognize that we have to change how we approach immigration.

I've been one of they key negotiators in the Senate for a comprehensive immigration reform bill that includes something that everybody agrees to: we have to improve border security. It also includes internal enforcement, making sure that employers actually are checking a verifiable, tamper-proof ID card to show that a worker is legally inside the United States to work. But three, that we're providing a pathway to citizenship for the 11 to 12 million people who are already in the United States.

There's been a lot of talk on cable and talk radio about amnesty and how we shouldn't allow lawbreakers to become U.S. citizens. The fact of the matter is that these 11 to 12 million people came here for the same reason that every immigrant group has come here and that's a search for a better life for their children. They didn't do it through the regular processes and they should be penalized for that and as a consequence what we've been setting up is an eleven-year process that gives people an opportunity for citizenship but still puts them in the back of the line behind those who are applying legally for citizenship.

Having said that, it is important for us to bring these folks out of the shadows to ensure that they are subject to the same protections that any legal worker has in this country because if we leave them in the shadows, not only are they vulnerable, not only are they living in fear, many of these people are our neighbors, our friends, people who are looking after our children, doing work across the country, some of the dirtiest and toughest work without complaint. But if we don't do anything, these are also folks who can, because of their tenuous status, undercut the wages of U.S. workers. If they're not subject to minimum wage laws, if they're not subject to worker safety laws, if they can't unionize, than naturally their wages are going to be depressed and that means that there is an incentive for employers to hire these workers instead of U.S. citizens. If, on the other hand, they're out of the shadows, they have the same rights and obligations as every other worker who is in this country legally, than they are on even footing in terms of employers making hiring decisions. So don't get caught up in the false rhetoric about amnesty. What we are talking about is an earned pathway to citizenship. Over the course of eleven years, they would have to pay a fine, they would have to learn English, they would have to pay back taxes and they would be behind those who applied here legally. So, they wouldn't' be rewarded for their illegal behavior but we would recognize that our future as a country involves absorbing these people who are already here so we wouldn't have an entire class of second-class citizens.

The third point I want to make is that I know gas prices are high out there. There's been a lot of talk by the both the White House and Congress about how we're going to bring gas prices down. I want to tell people the truth and that is that there aren't a lot of short-term solutions to this problem. We have some bills in the Senate that are calling for the taxing of the windfall profits of the big oil companies who are making out like bandits. I will vote "aye" on a bill like that if it comes through the Senate. I've been active along with other Democrats in pushing to make sure that the Federal Trade Commission is investigating any kind of price-gauging that's taking place in gas stations around the country. But the bottom line is that the United States, which has about 3 percent of the oil reserves in the world consumes 25 percent of the oil, and we're not going to be able to pump our way out of this problem and even if Exxon and Mobile decided they weren't going to make any profits, we'd still have problems because the world's oil market has reached $75 a barrel this week. So we are going to have to think about how we are going to wean ourselves off our dependence on oil. That's a national security imperative because right now we are financing both sides of the war on terrorism by sending billions of dollars to some of the most hostile countries on Earth. It is an economic problem; it makes us extraordinarily vulnerable every time we see price shocks like this and that pressure is just going to continue as China and India grow and scramble for resources. Finally, it's a major contributor to global warming. It's helping us along the path that could lead to an environmental catastrophe that could have an adverse impact for our children and our grandchildren.

I've put together a series of speeches and proposals that are on my website. I would urge everybody to take a look at them; I won't reiterate them now, but a lot of it focuses on increasing fuel efficiency standards and shifting to bio-diesel. I just want everybody to remember as they are putting that $3 a gallon gas in their SUVs that our long-term answer is getting serious about a new energy policy. We have to start making those plans now in a serious way and not just resort to cheap rhetoric whenever the gas prices go up.

I hope that I see some of you at the rallies, either in Washington or in Chicago, about Darfur. I appreciate you listening. Bye-bye.


You can only imagine how many different ways people type the name Barack Obama. Here is a sampling for his first name: Barac, Barach, Baracks, Barak, Baraka, Barrack, Barrak, Berack, Borack, Borak, Brack, Brach, Brock even, Rocco. There are just as many for his last name: Abama, Bama, Bamma, Obma, Obamas, Obamma, Obana, Obamo, Obbama, Oboma, Obomba, Obombma, Obomha, Oblama, Omaba, Oblamma and (ready for this?) Ohama. And of course there's Barack Obama's middle name, Hussein. Here are some of the ways it comes out: Hissein, Hussain, Husein, Hussin, Hussane and Hussien.